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Connect Everyone with Your MFP and Document Management System

Written by Old blog | Jan 7, 2016 8:51:10 PM

Your multifunction product does a grand assortment of tasks by design. However, you may not have considered how well your MFP combined with a Document Management System keeps you and everyone in your company connected and in step. Here are a few ways that an MFP achieves this.


Whether it be printing, scanning, or uploading, have the necessary people know that the document is available by email or text. Why have a person manually send an email to the internal team when a document is ready for use when you can have your Document Management System and MFP do it for you? Always notify the right people every time with no additional thought from the creator.

Centralized Document Storage
Ensure your document is available to the right people, and no one else. With your new document placed in a centralized location, you'll have full authentication and authorization of each document. Not only does everyone in your company have unified access to this repository, but you can also set automatic authorization requirements on each document based off the document type and content.


Ever have a problem finding a document you needed? With automatic indexing, have multiple ways of finding your document. Search by date, title, type of document, content, etc. With custom and expansive indexing, your company can be more efficient in finding and serving up documents in a way you’ve never seen before.

An MFP is to your company as social media is to people, keeping everyone connected and informed. And while you may not care about what your neighbor is doing to his lawn on Saturday, you do care about when and how your documents are served. If you need help utilizing your MFP, give us a call for a free, no-obligation assessment!