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5 Ways to Start Your Professional Spring Cleaning

Written by Kelly | Apr 18, 2022 11:37:39 AM

It’s time for spring cleaning, and that includes
your space at work too.

Your desk and your desktop should both need a good decluttering right now too. Freshening up your workspace can promote mental clarity and improve performance, but it can also protect your privacy and your overall security. When there’s less to misplace, and there’s less for hackers to get a hold of. 

Ready to get started? Here are 5 ways to start your professional spring cleaning:


Clean your desktop to improve your performance and your security 

Let’s face it, so many of us are so busy with our assigned tasks and deadlines that cleaning up our computers and laptops usually falls to the wayside. However, doing so once a month can keep our devices running stronger for longer and even give you that “new computer feeling,” particularly if you haven’t cleaned it up for some time. Starting these digital habits with your upcoming spring cleaning is sure to give you that “new computer feeling” that will put a pep in your step.

Aside from giving you a clean slate to work on, decluttering your digital space also improves your security. If there is less data to look through on your devices, there is less for hackers to find and exploit. 


Remember to backup your data before you delete any old files!

Everyone can get carried away while spring cleaning. It feels good to declutter your physical and digital space. But before you go deleting everything off of your desktop, remember to backup all of your old files in case you delete something important by accident, or end up needing to refer back to something later on! 



Go paperless in the office with our Document Management Systems

Spring cleaning usually includes getting rid of physical excess, right? Let us help you clean out your office by going paperless with our document management systems! Allow us to improve your internal efficiency by bringing your data into a convenient, sustainable, and cost-effective medium.We’ll help businesses achieve new levels of productivity – while offering you a sigh of relief knowing we have it under control. 


Clean your browser & refresh your system! 

Cleaning out our desktops and email inboxes is usually obvious, since we can see the clutter that builds up, but do you know cleaning your browser history will refresh your device too? Your devices hold on to your browser history, which can bog down internet speed and performance. Take the time to wipe that clean and see how much more efficient your day can be! 

Part of your spring refresh should include updating your operating system and apps with the latest versions. These updates should not only improve speed and functionality, but they also often include security patches as well that can make you safer in the long run. Check out our recommended patching schedule to keep your technology up to par. If your operating system and apps feature automatic updates, enable them, and they’ll do the work for you. 


Lastly, update your passwords! 

Whether this point seems obvious or not, it is time to update your passwords. Even if you make the strongest passwords, having the same one for too long (or using the same one for multiple logins) can make it vulnerable to hackers. Make sure you add this to your spring cleaning list to maintain your peace of mind moving forward.


What are you waiting for! Take the time to assess your physical and digital workspace today and start taking the steps to clean and refresh your daily activities. 

Call Matthijssen today to find out how we can help your company with your annual spring cleaning!